tory of items. It also lets you pan across a
character pictured in your view screen (when a
character is selected).
Compatible Character - A character that is
compatible with your unit.
DEF (Defense Value)
+228 This number determines how much
damage this character can take.
Aggressive Character - A character that is
Hint: You can press the “left” direction of the
Directional Pad to return to the main menu at
almost any time.
not compatible with your unit.
A.L. & EX.PT. (Advantage Level & Experience
A.L. 10
Grudge Match Character - A character you
have previously banished.
EX. PT. 000.0
ON / A Button - Use this to turn on the con-
troller and to enter selections. When a charac-
ter is selected, this button also lets you view
all its information.
Item - An item or special attack your charac-
ters can use during battle.
The Advantage Level is increased by the
amount of experience points earned. Experi-
ence points increase by the amount of match-
es won.
If you scan a Compatible Character, and you
do not already have it in your controller, the
unit will ask if you wish to “Recruit” or “Ban-
ish” this particular creature. If you choose to
recruit the character, it becomes part of your
inventory. If your unit is full, then you will have
to banish one of your other characters before
you can recruit a new one.
B button - Press this button to back out of
any selection to the previous screen.
Select “item” from the Main Menu, and an
image of the first item in your inventory will
appear. Use the Directional Pad to scroll
through the items.
Pan button - When a character is selected,
press this button, then use the Directional Pad
to pan across the entire image of the charac-
Press the ON / A Button to view the Item’s
name, Defense or Attack Modifier Value and
it’s Cost. Press the ON / A Button again to
view the item’s Attack Type (unlimited, one
time only, etc.).
Sound On / Off - From the Main Menu,
choose “sound,” then use the Directional Pad
and the ON / A Button to turn the sound On or
Hint: Every time you banish a particular char-
acter, it becomes harder to beat the next time
you face it in battle.
MODEL 74025
For 1 player / Ages 8 and up
If you scan a character that is already in your
controller, but the new character is stronger or
your current character is Knocked Out, the
new character will replace the old character.
Reset button - When a blunt point is inserted,
this resets the controller to its original settings.
Just remember, when you press this but-
ton, all your characters and player data is
P/N 82387900 Rev.B
Helpful Hint: It’s helpful to have a variety of
items stockpiled before going to battle.
Become a true Spirit Detective!
Be Careful!
If an Aggressive or Grudge Match Character is
scanned you have to be ready to fight! How-
ever, if you don’t have at least one compatible
characters active or inside your controller, the
controller will reject the character.
Now you can collect, trade, and battle your
favorite Yu-Yu Hakusho characters as you
fight to protect our world from the creatures of
the spirit realm. You’ll find many of the Yu-Yu
Hakusho characters and creatures hiding in
common household product UPC codes. Just
scan the code and let the battle begin!
Sleep Mode - After 60 seconds of inactivity,
your controller will automatically go into “sleep
mode”. To turn it on again, simply press the
ON / A Button and the controller will return to
the last screen you were viewing.
Trading characters with a friend is a great way
to get Aggressive Characters and Grudge
Match Characters without having to fight
them! All you have to do is link your unit with
his by placing your controllers against each
other, connecting the tabs and slots at the top
of them, making sure they snap together.
From the Main Menu, select the “Scan”
option. The screen will read, “Ready to Scan”
and the Port at the end of the Scanning Wand
will become active for 10 seconds.
Once you have collected a compatible char-
acter or an item, you can view it by selecting
“character” or “item” from the main screen
using the ON / A Button.
By scanning UPC codes (bar codes) from
common household products, this special unit
can collect up to 55 characters/creatures and
25 items! Each character has its own strengths
and weaknesses and the items have a variety
of uses.
Now go to any household product that has a
UPC (bar code) printed on it. It can be a box
of cereal, a book, a new toy, or anything that
is scanned at a store register.
If you select “character” from the main menu,
an image of the first character in your invento-
ry will appear. If you press the Pan Button,
you can use the Directional Pad to see the
entire picture of the character. Press the ON /
A Button to view the character’s name, num-
ber, and team name. Press the ON / A Button
again to view the character’s “Attack Value
and Cost” followed by it’s “Defense Value.”
Now, from the Main Menu, both you and your
friend select the Trade option by highlighting it
and pressing the ON / A Button. If linking suc-
cessfully, the screen will show “OK”. Next use
the Directional Pad to scroll through your char-
acters until you find which one you want to
trade. Once both players have chosen a char-
acter, the character you both are trading will
appear on each other’s screens. You can then
decide whether to accept that character or
not. Once both people accept the trade, the
characters will be traded between the two
Once you scan them, many of the characters
will enter your controller voluntarily. However,
others may refuse to join, and you must defeat
them in battle in order to add them to your
collection. And if you have ever banished a
character from your unit, it will be much more
difficult to defeat the next time you meet.
Press the ON / A Button again to view the
character’s current “Advantage Level” and
“Experience Points”. Each character gains
some experience point for every battle won.
After earning enough experience points, the
character moves up a level. This makes it
more powerful, gives it more attack options,
and makes it harder to defeat.
Place the Scanning Wand directly onto the
surface of the product, in front or behind the
bar code, and slide it over the code from left-
to-right or right-to-left. When the code is read,
the controller will beep and a power bar will
appear. If it is emply or not full power, the
code wasn’t scanned properly, try again. If it is
full power, you definitely picked up something!
To banish a character, choose Banish from the
Main Menu. Then scroll through your inventory
of characters using the Directional Pad. Select
a character by pressing the ON / A Button.
You will then be taken to the Confirm screen
where you can choose “Select Again” to
choose another character, or “Banish” to
delete the chosen character. Just remember,
he won’t be very happy about being banished.
And if you come across him again, he’s going
to want a Grudge Match!
Press the ON / A Button again to view the
character’s attack options. Select “Attack” to
see what kind of attack moves this character
has available to it. Press the “Left” direction of
the Directional Pad to return to the Main
Pan button
Directional Pad
Hint: Flat surfaces are the easiest to scan. It
takes more practice and skill to scan round or
odd-shaped surfaces. Just remember to
always keep the tip of the Scanning Wand flat
against the surface when scanning. Larger bar
codes work best. See example below.
B button
On / A button
Scanning Wand - When activated, place the
tip flat on either side of a UPC code and scan
it left-to-right or right-to-left.
AV (Attack Value)
+222 - This number represents the power of
a character’s attack without any items or tech-
niques attached. If items or techniques are
involved, the number increases. Each attack
has a price (Cost –19). The more powerful the
attack, the more spirit energy it costs to use it.
When this character loses all its points, it is
knocked out.
Troubleshooting: Scan the entire barcode
back and forth to ensure a true read of the
barcode. If you still have difficulty, speed up
your scanning. Also, check your batteries. If
you are consistently not acquiring a character
your batteries maybe low.
Once you have at least five active characters,
you can battle characters collected in a
friend’s controller.
You will be prompted to select the 1st, 2nd,
3rd, 4th and 5th members of your character
team. You can do this by using the Directional
Pad and the ON / A Button to scroll through
your characters. NOTE: if a Character is not
Directional Pad - This four-way button helps
you scroll through things like: the Main Menu,
your collection of characters, and your inven-
Now, if it is a full power, you have successfully
scanned one of four different things:
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